Yann LeGall

Technische Universität Berlin

Yann LeGall


Yann LeGall is a postdoctoral researcher on the DFG-AHRC funded project “The Restitution of Knowledge” at the Institute for Art Studies at TU Berlin. His current research investigates the colonial history of plunder, the enduring presence of spoils of war from so-called ‘punitive expeditions’ in European museums. This project is led in partnership with the University of Oxford and the Pitt-Rivers-Museum. His PhD thesis examined postcolonial memory cultures in the context of repatriation of ancestral remains to African communities and countries. He has been a member of Berlin Postkolonial since 2014. As a member of the initiative Postcolonial Potsdam, he co-developed an audio guide on traces of colonial history in Potsdam, a city where he also leads guided tours.

Image © Markus Hilbich

Events with Yann LeGall

Sat | Nov 05, 2022 | 02.00 PM - 04.00 PM Berlin Time

Mining Colonial Museums: Data, Archives, Storerooms