Mareike Vennen

Technische Universität Berlin

Mareike Vennen


Mareike Vennen is a cultural studies scholar. She is currently part of the research project “Museums and Society – Mapping the Social” at Technische Universität Berlin. Before, she held a Postdoc-position at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the research project “Animals as Objects” ( and has worked on the history of the Museum für Naturkunde’s Tendaguru Expedition. She gained her PhD at Bauhaus University of Weimar. Her work focuses on material and visual cultures of natural history, on practices and infrastructures of (colonial) collecting as well as political ecologies of urban natures.

Image © Markus Hilbich

Events with Mareike Vennen

Sat | Nov 05, 2022 | 02.00 PM - 04.00 PM Berlin Time

Mining Colonial Museums: Data, Archives, Storerooms