Lukas Fuchsgruber

Technische Universität Berlin

Lukas Fuchsgruber


Lukas Fuchsgruber is an art historian at TU Berlin. His research focuses on digitization in museums, photo archives, and the history of the art market. Since 2020 he is part of the research network “Museum and Society – Mapping the Social”. His case study in the project focuses on the question of museums and data policy, especially on the design of interfaces and the production and dissemination of museum data. In 2021 he was part of an open source project that released an community oriented archive interface: cooArchi. He is a guest researcher at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

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Events with Lukas Fuchsgruber

Sat | Nov 05, 2022 | 02.00 PM - 04.00 PM Berlin Time

Mining Colonial Museums: Data, Archives, Storerooms