Liat Grayver

ETH Zurich

Liat Grayver


Liat Grayver is a Berlin-based cross-disciplinary painter and media artist, investigating methods to redefine one of the primitive forms of art — painting — within the current technology-based era. Since January 2016, Grayver has been collaborating with the University of Konstanz on the development of the e-David painting robot, exploring various approaches to integrate robotic and computer languages in the processes of painting and creative image-making. She is an active member of SALOON — Network for Women of Berlin’s Art Scene, and an associate artist researcher at the Epistemologien ästhetischer Praktiken programme at ETH Zurich. In 2022 she co-founded the group EACVA – Embodied Agents in Contemporary Visual Art, a multi-disciplinary collaboration between artists, philosophers, psychologists and computer/robotics engineers dedicated to explore the use of robots at an interactive painterly tool, and how it influences the attribution of creativity, authorship, and agency to artificial systems.

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Events with Liat Grayver

Fri | Nov 04, 2022 | 07.30 PM - 09.00 PM Berlin Time

RETHINKING Humans and Machines