Martin Luxemburg

Unknown Group

Martin Luxemburg


Martin believes entrepreneurs need to continuously develop their skills and mindset to start and grow their ventures, building beautiful ventures that fix the future.

 Martin is the managing director of Global School for Entrepreneurship based in Amsterdam. Global School is part of Unknown Group, an early stage impact investor that supports founders to bring their solutions to scale; building beautiful ventures that fix the future.  Martin co-founded the global marketplace for start-ups ‘’Get in the Ring” that connects start-ups in over 100 countries to investors, corporates and governments. For the last 6 years, Martin was also director at the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, a leading expertise center applying the knowledge and network of Erasmus University Rotterdam to embed entrepreneurship in the DNA of people.

Martin has been involved in the Dutch entrepreneurial ecosystem for the past 10 years and has participated in several EU collaborative projects to enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Europe. Through Unknown Group, he co-developed a Startup Infrastructure Diagram (SID) to map the entire startup ecosystem of a city, region and country. Martin is board member of the Dutch Centre for Entrepreneurship foundation (DutchCE), a collaboration of the 10 largest university centres for entrepreneurship in the Netherlands.

Martin Luxemburg has a BSc in Entrepreneurship, an MSc in ScalingUp and a Financial Management degree from TIAS School for Business and Society.

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Events with Martin Luxemburg

Fri | Nov 04, 2022 | 06.00 PM - 07.00 PM Berlin Time

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