Dafna Burema

Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence

Dafna Burema


Dafna Burema obtained her BSc and MSc degrees in communication and media sciences at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She later pursued her PhD in sociology at the University of Bremen with a Marie Curie Fellowship, where she empirically constructed a definition and conceptual framework of social robots in elder care and analyzed the embedded biases towards older adults in the construction of such technologies. At SCIoI, she works with various academic and industry partners in the ETAMI network (Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial and Machine Intelligence) to create guidelines for ethical and trustworthy AI. In addition to AI and ethics, her research interests include; critical theory, STS, social robots, gerontechnology.

Events with Dafna Burema

Sat | Nov 05, 2022 | 09.30 AM - 11.00 AM Berlin Time

Artificial Intelligence: Examples of AI gone wrong and Ethical Questions