Bianca Herlo

Weizenbaum Institut

Bianca Herlo


Dr. Bianca Herlo is a researcher and lecturer based in Berlin and postdoc at the Design Research Lab. Over the last years, she has been working – through practice-based research projects – on participatory design methods, transdisciplinary and collaborative settings and on the conceptualization of socially oriented living labs, at the intersection of the three dimensions local actors, urban narratives and transformative tools. Until 2019. she has been head of the research group Civic Infrastructures, where she experimented with design’s agencies at the intersection of bottom up processes, public institutions and formalized politics. Bianca studied communication in social and economic contexts and experimental media design, at the Berlin University of the Arts. Since 2013, Bianca has been a lecturer in design and design theory at various universities, including the Design Department at Anhalt University Dessau, the Berlin UdK and Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. (Photo credit: David Gauffin)

Events with Bianca Herlo

Wed | Nov 02, 2022 | 06.30 PM - 10.00 PM Berlin Time

Programmed discrimination!?