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Science in the Pub: Let’s Talk Social Cohesion!

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung | Mole Richard, Julia Elad-Strenger

What is it that holds communities together? What separates them? What responsibility does science have towards fostering cohesion?  

In this event speakers and participants will gather in a Berlin bar for an interactive debate over drinks. While presenting their findings, the speakers want to hear your opinions, be challenged by your perspectives, and learn from your questions.

Prof. Dr. Julia Elad-Strenger, Political Psychologist at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and Prof. Dr. Richard Mole, Sociologist from University College London, will share insights from their own research and the work of the Humboldt Residency Programme’s cohort working on Social Cohesion.

The Humboldt Residency Programme brings together an international and interdisciplinary cohort of researchers, civil society actors, artists, and journalists to collaborate on topic. The program’s aim is to create synergies and new perspectives within the cohort as well as to communicate with and into the public by identifying and exploring ways in which the group’s academic research can have a wider social impact.


This is an in-person event. If you would like to attend, please book your spot by November 8th by emailing residency@avh.de.

Participation in the event is free of charge. The bar will be open for you to purchase your own drinks. The event venue is not wheelchair accessible.

About the Venue
Club der Polnischen Versager
Ackerstraße 168
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany
030 20915731

Mole Richard

University College London

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