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Open Quantum Playground

Einstein Research Unit on Quantum Devices | Fernando Gago

What does quantum mean - and what is really a quantum computer?

This event aims to bring quantum physics closer to the public with interactive activities and games. People from all ages and backgrounds will be able to learn about quantum effects in various entertaining ways, answering questions like “what does quantum mean?” or “what is really a quantum computer?”. Multiple stands will hold different short activities to explain many relevant ideas: quantum sensing with board games, quantum optimal control with video games and quizzes full of fascinating facts. These complicated technologies will be put in extremely simple terms, so that even children can enjoy quantum physics.

In this open activity, visitors will be able to play with these concepts while talking to real life quantum physicists. No previous knowledge is required.

The extended duration is meant to make the event as accessible as possible; the public may join and leave at any time and may participate in any number of the offered activities.


This is an in-person event. All interested visitors of all ages are welcome.

No previous knowledge is required, just a curious mind and willingness to have a good time!

About the Venue
Freie Universität, Arnimallee 14
Arnimallee 14
Berlin, 14195 Germany

Fernando Gago

Freie Universität Berlin

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