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On your Wavelength – Live!

Springer Nature | Cristiano Matricardi, Adonis Bogris, Charis Mesaritakis, Miranda Vinay

Join us for a live Springer Nature podcast session on a fascinating science topic!

On your wavelength is a (physics) podcast where we discuss a paper published recently in a Nature Portfolio journal.  We invite the author(s) and the editor of the paper for an interview, and explore the story behind the paper, including the conception of the research and aspects that you do not find written in the publication — essentially, an account of the ‘scientific journey’ of the paper until completion. We also go through the editorial process with the editor to give a different point of view and discuss post-publication content (if any) and future outlooks.

During this episode, we will talk about neuromorphic computing, which can be interpreted as biologically inspired computing facilitated by deep learning algorithms. The paper we will discuss brings the implementation of this new way of computing one step closer to real-world devices. The authors use light and a clever filtering system that could allow high-bandwidth communications and high-speed imaging.

Authors: Adonis Bogris, University of West Attica, Greece & Charis Mesaritakis, University of the Aegean, Greece

Editor: Miranda Vinay, Communications Engineering

Host: Cristiano Matricardi, Nature Communications


This is a digital event. If you would like to attend the event online, please register here. Access to the event will be provided after registration by the organiser.

Cristiano Matricardi

Springer Nature, Berlin

Adonis Bogris

University of West Attica, Greece

Charis Mesaritakis

University of the Aegean, Greece

Miranda Vinay

Communications Engineering

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