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Adlershofer Forschungsforum (AFF)

IGAFA – Initiativgemeinschaft Außeruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in Adlershof e. V., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, WISTA Management GmbH | Veronika Grimm, Mathias Richter, Stefan Hecht

The ADLERSHOFER FORSCHUNGSFORUM (ADLERSHOF RESEARCH FORUM) provides insights into the highlights of research from Adlershof and an opportunity for scientific exchange.

The Adlershofer Forschungsforum – AFF (Adlershof Research Forum) is a full-day conference co-organized by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IGAFA e. V and WISTA Management GmbH and serves as a platform for location-based scientific exchange in Adlershof. It presents an overview of current research on site – the “Adlershof Knowledge”.

Scientists from Humboldt-Universität, institutes and companies are invited to participate and present selected research projects. An opportunity for scientific exchange is also provided by the poster show, with which young scientists can present their work. The best poster will be awarded 500 euros.


This is an in-person event. If you would like to attend, please book your spot with igafa@igafa.de. Registration is mandatory.

About the Venue
Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum
Rudower Chaussee 26
Berin, 12489 Germany

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