Pia Heinemann

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Pia Heinemann


After studying biology, Pia Heinemann learned the craft of journalism at the University of Mainz, where she was a research assistant at the Journalism Seminar of the Institute of Journalism from 2000 to 2006. She received her doctorate in 2006 with a thesis on publishing strategies of science magazines. In addition, she published articles as a freelance journalist in various newspapers and magazines. In 2007, she started work as science editor for „Welt“/“Welt am Sonntag“. In 2010, she became deputy head of department, and in 2018, head of the “Ressort Wissen”. She has been awarded several prizes for her journalistic work, including the “Wächterpreis” of the German daily press. Since September 2022, she has been an editor in „Nature & Science“, of the F.A.Z. and F.A.S.

Events with Pia Heinemann

Do | Nov 10, 2022 | 12.00 - 14.00 Berlin Time

Virtueller Science Media Lunch @ SMC Germany