Monica Ionita

Alfred Wegener Institut

Monica Ionita


Senior Scientist, Paleoclimate Dynamics, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Dr. Monica Ionita is a senior researcher at the Institute for Marine and Polar Research, Bremerhaven, Germany. She holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Bremen and she is a meteorologist by education. Dr. Ionita works on diverse research topics, from monthly to seasonal streamflow prediction, statistical analysis of climate variability and predictability, hydroclimatology to climate reconstruction based on proxy data, Arctic and Antarctic Sea ice prediction, and ocean circulation and dynamics. Currently, she is in charge of maintaining and further improving a monthly to seasonal statistical forecasting system for low flow periods in central Europe. Dr. Ionita is also actively involved in science transfer and communication activities.

Events with Monica Ionita

Mo | Nov 07, 2022 | 10.00 - 11.00 Berlin Time

The Past, Present and Future of Drought