Michaela Büsse


Michaela Büsse


Michaela Büsse is one of the curators of the Design Lab #13: Material Legacies exhibition and an Associated Member of the Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity. She is interested in the interplay of material practices, technologies, and geological processes. Her dissertation project analyses land reclamation projects in Southeast Asia and the Netherlands and based on sand’s granular physics develops a performative reading of design. Michaela currently works as a Research Associate at the Institute of Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and has held positions at the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures, FHNW, and the Institute for Design Research, ZHdK. Furthermore, she has held fellowships with TU Delft, NTU/Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, Museum of Contemporary Art and Design Manila, and Strelka Institute for Media, Design and Architecture in Moscow.


Events with Michaela Büsse

Do | Nov 03, 2022 | 18.00 - 20.00 Berlin Time

Opening of the Exhibition “Design Lab #13: Material Legacies”