José Luis Flores-Guerrero


José Luis Flores-Guerrero


Jose Luis is an early career researcher interested on cardiometabolic disease working at University College London. His work has been centered on the characterization of new biomarkers for early detection of chronic diseases. Born and raised in Mexico, he has conducted formal research at the University of Glasgow, University of Helsinki and the University of Groningen (PhD). He collaborates with researchers from The National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Mexico, working on developing non-invasive instruments for diagnosing diabetes and microvascular complications.

José teamed up with Cristian Zaelzer-Pérez for the development of an arts & science engagement project entitled “Biotlahuilli” (from the Greek Bios: life and the Nahuatl Tlahuilli: light) in which they explain how the use of Raman spectroscopy could help to prevent cardiometabolic disease in pregnant women in rural areas of Mexico.

Events with José Luis Flores-Guerrero

Do | Nov 03, 2022 | 12.00 - 13.00 Berlin Time

Science Engagement Team-Up