Andrea Toreti

European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy

Andrea Toreti


European Commission and Joint Research Centre

Andrea is a senior scientist at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), where he leads the Copernicus EMS European and Global Drought Observatories. He graduated in Mathematics at the University of Rome ‚La Sapienza‘ and got a Ph.D. in Climate Sciences at the University of Bern. Andrea is an expert on climate extremes, climate change, climate variability and their impacts, especially in the agricultural sector. He got several awards for his work on climate extremes, climate change impacts and adaptation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Andrea is currently a member of the MedCLIVAR steering committee, co-chair of the modelling group of the ITU-WMO-UNEP Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management, and co-chair of the EU ad-hoc Task Group on Water Scarcity and Drought.

Events with Andrea Toreti

Mo | Nov 07, 2022 | 10.00 - 11.00 Berlin Time

The Past, Present and Future of Drought