Lade Events

What is the Future Made Of?

CollActive Materials | Emilia Tikka, Kristin Werner, John Nyakatura, Felix Rasehorn, Apoorv Vaish

A speculative workshop about bio-inspired design

Think of nature as a great designer. Through billions of years of evolution – of design trial and error (or re-route) – it has come up with uniquely functional and beautiful materials.

Nature’s ‚design‘ is truly sustainable. It uses simple materials in clever ways, making natural materials sophisticated in structure and function. More than that, natural materials are part of a cycle of growth, decay, and change – no material is wasted.

Meanwhile, many human designs are wasteful and have created immense problems on a planetary scale. One of the biggest challenges for a sustainable future will be to find alternatives for the energy-consuming, non-degradable materials we use today.

What if we used nature’s ‚design‘ as inspiration for smarter and more sustainable materials in our everyday lives? What could such a bio-inspired world look like? CollActive Materials, together with the speculative designer Emilia Tikka, invites you to a hands-on speculation workshop. Find out how researchers from Matters of Activity and Science of Intelligence use bio-design in their work – and make up your very own version of a bio-inspired future.

CollActive Materials  is led by Léa Perraudin and Martin Mueller and a joint project of the Clusters of Excellence „Matters of Activity. Image Space Material“ and „Science of Intelligence“. The project is funded under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder by the Berlin University Alliance.


This event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS. Admission is free. Please reserve your one or two-day ticket here.

Please note: Pre-registration is requested for this event.  The event is now fully booked.

Information about the physical accessibility of the Museum für Naturkunde can be found here (see ‚experimental field‘ for exact location on the map). If you are looking for further information concerning accessibility or want to let us know about individual needs, please let us know at

Über den Veranstaltungsort
Invalidenstraße 43
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany

Emilia Tikka

Aalto University

Kristin Werner

CollActive Materials

John Nyakatura

Matters of Activity

Felix Rasehorn

Matters of Activity

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