Lade Events

Megatrends and Future Research

Freie Universität Berlin | Berthold Kuhn, Victoria Escobar Heredia, Banning Garrett, Dimitrios L. Margellos

Diverse perspectives on megatrends and future research. Presentation and panel discussion.

Berthold M. Kuhn and Dimitrios L. Margellos present an analysis of twelve global trends shaping our future. When analyzing global megatrends, diversity of perspective is required. Kuhn and Margellos identified and analyzed trends in cooperation with renowned think tanks, researchers, and analysts from different world regions.

Key megatrends include climate action and sustainability, digitalization, growing inequalities, urbanization and smart cities, the progression toward a green economy, and sustainable finance. Addressing geopolitical shifts and the future of multilateralism, Kuhn and Margellos also refer to new trends in democracy and governance, migration, and health and nutrition, as well as civilizational developments like demography, diversity, identity politics, individualization, and shifting gender norms.

The presentation of Kuhn and Margellos who authored the book Global Perspectives on Megatrends (Ibidem Publishers and Columbia University Press, 2022) focuses on how the different global trends are connected. The presentation, around 20min, will be followed by a panel discussion involving Banning Garrett, a seasoned U.S. American megatrend researcher, strategic thinker, writer and speaker and Victoria Escobar Heredia, researcher at the Berlin-based Institute for Urban Research and Structural Policies and chairperson of the German nonprofit organization Schülerpaten Berlin e.V.


This event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS‚. Admission is free. Please reserve your one or two-day ticket here.

Information about the physical accessibility of the Museum für Naturkunde can be found here. The Humboldt Auditorium is located a few metres from the museum and can be reached barrier-free.

Über den Veranstaltungsort
Invalidenstraße 43
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany

Berthold Kuhn


Victoria Escobar Heredia

IfS Institut für Stadtforschung und Strukturpolitik

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