Lade Events

How to make it all sustainable? Sustain.ALL introduce themselves

SUSTAIN.ALL Lab – Technische Universität Berlin | BENGISU BERISPEK

How to make it ALL sustainable? Synergies through Art, Engineering and Technology. #thinkglobalactlocalcollabatsustainall

How can we reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030? To address this challenge in a digitalizing world, universities can educate future generations of professionals and citizens about sustainability and drive innovations across different disciplines and social groups.

But education is not enough, we need more implementation, we need more action!

Sustain.All is a digital learning & exchange platform, which helps accelerate the transformation towards climate neutrality in Berlin and beyond by integrating the teaching of global sustainability principles with hands-on local projects between students and (non-)institutional partners (academics, companies, investors, …).

With our three platform labs (education, project, and integration/awareness), students, academics and partners can exchange ideas and collaborate in order to transform newly acquired principles and skills into sustainable actions.

We will show the best practice solutions for SDGs in different areas. And afterwards a little workshop on SDGs to see your turn in the sustainable development! THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL ,COLLAB AT SUSTAIN.ALL.


This event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS‚. Admission is free. Please reserve your one or two-day ticket here.

If you are interested in Lab as a student or partner and act in the field of sustainability, you can register here: Please note however that a CAMPUS ticket is still necessary for admission.

Information about the physical accessibility of the Museum für Naturkunde can be found here. See „special exhibition „Dinosaurs!““ for the exact location on the map.

Über den Veranstaltungsort
Invalidenstraße 43
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany

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