Lade Events

British Debates

Britische Botschaft, Wissenschaft im Dialog

„Equal Treatment for All: Is your location an obstacle for cancer prevention and research?“

Worldwide, cancer is one of the most common causes of death. Cancer belongs to the so-called non-communicable diseases – diseases that are dependent on genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioural factors.

In a global context, survival rates are significantly higher in Europe and North America than in other regions, but even within Europe there are disparities between countries. This is a central postulation of the concept of Global Health: a global levelling of health-related inequalities regardless of borders. Therefore, one may ask for the reasons for these disparities and which measures are undertaken to improve prevention and survival as well as access to research and sharing of research results across the globe. For an interactive discussion in the style of a House of Commons debate, experts from Global Health research, medical anthropology and NGOs present their – sometimes controversial – views and the audience is invited to express their opinion and signal support for the different solutions that are presented.


This is an in-person event. If you would like to attend, please register here by Nov 4th.

Über den Veranstaltungsort
British Embassy
Wilhelmstr. 70
Berlin, 10117 Germany

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