Lade Events

Artificial Intelligence: Examples of AI gone wrong and Ethical Questions

Cluster of Excellence – Science of Intelligence | Dafna Burema, Jonas Frenkel

What to do when AI goes wrong and other important questions

In this lively debate, our researchers Dafna Burema, Jonas Frenkel from Science of Intelligence will talk about Artificial Intelligence and its ethical implications including examples of AI gone wrong. How do we imagine sustainable futures with robots? What are the open questions scientists face every day when dealing with Artificial Intelligence?


This event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS‚. Admission is free. Please reserve your one or two-day ticket here.

Information about the physical accessibility of the Museum für Naturkunde can be found here. See ‚evolution in action‘ for exact location on the map.

Über den Veranstaltungsort
Invalidenstraße 43
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany

Dafna Burema

Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence

Jonas Frenkel

Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence

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